Saturday, September 29

This is why we love Trent

'Not the parts that Atticus did. I know where a lot of his lyrics came from, because he didn't write them. When the day comes that I have to hire the flavor of the day to write my records for me so I can sound like what my records used to sound like so I can make money... stick a fork in me... honestly... and that's... I don't mean to sound like I'm on a high horse here but when it gets to that state, that's absolutely not what I'm about. From principle. I'll walk the highway before I start doing that shit, because music means a lot to me, and the reason for doing it means a lot to me, and whether you like NIN or not, or you hate this record or loved that record, I can assure you that I did it for the right reasons: I did it because it means more to me than anything else in my life. And I'll never put making money ahead of that. More than any other thing ever, I can sleep well at night – when I can sleep – knowing that I always kept that pure. My life I fucked up, my friendships and relationships I fucked up, my health I’ve fucked up, but I never wanted to abuse music like that. Does that answer your question?'

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