Wednesday, December 29

The End of 2010; New Beginnings Abound

2010 was a year of quietly embracing the consequences of my actions. I was forced to live in the conditions I had laid out for myself many of which began in the year 2009. I plan to start 2011 in a completely different mind set. I've made many mistakes this year and I've put my life on hold for such trivial things as love only to have it thrown back in my face. Was I wrong to do so? Maybe, but it was a mistake that I have to live with. 

This year I am an adult and I am 10 years younger than my dad was when he died. First thing on my list to make 2011 a better year is to not waste my time with people. I'm going on a sort of personal cleanse. I'm admonishing things and people that are harmful to me. It doesn't necessarily mean that I'm getting rid of everyone in my life, it just means that I'm limiting my intake on negativity, as selfish as this may sound my biggest priority in life this year is myself. I can be cordial and I can be sincere but this year I chose to be neither.

Love will play second fiddle. Unless you're a close friend or a family member I will not place you above my own needs and wants. I will not sacrifice myself for anyone. If you love me or are in love with me then you should see this as personal growth however this is all reflective on events and situations that happened in 2010 and may be subject to change. 

I spent a lot of 2010 lying to people, that's a major thing that's going to change. Instead of making these bold and outright lies I plan to be more honest and with questions that I feel are personal in nature I will respectfully decline to answer. If I don't want to do anything with anyone then I will not do it. No more lying, I'm tired of lying and living behind lies. 2011 is going to be a year of truths.

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