Wednesday, October 10

The Fall of an Over-Hyped TV Show.

I just want this to be known, I love Grey's Anatomy. I thinks it's a really good show, and I watch it until it Jumps the Shark or gets canceled. But Private Practice is another entity all together, since it pretty much sucks and is filling the vacant slot the once housed Lost, I watch it. But not anymore, I'll be tuning into Gossip Girl, it's smart, entertaining, and is about teenagers acting like teenagers (as opposed to Private Practice's adults acting like teenagers acting like adults).
See I'm not the only one who despises Private Practice. So I just want to wish the show-runners well and they need to focus more on story and less on this is Kate Walsh's show where she get's to grow up, but not really grows up, and acts worst than she did on Grey's...please bring back the Addison we loved from Grey's not this lame one...

A Better Version of Sweeney Todd

I'm sick of Megan Fox

She is not hot...she is not Angelina Jolie... she cannot act... and I wish people would stop talking about her.



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