Monday, November 1

The Truth

To me the worst thing in the world is a lie. I'm sure there are worst things than a lie, but to me the act of telling a lie is unforgivable. A lie is the opposite of a great story because it builds and builds into an unsatisfying end. It never pays off, or at least the payoff is unexpected. Someone once told me that you can always tell a lie because of how outrageous a story sounds. I'm here to tell you first hand that that's true. How you can tell a person is a liar is by their mysterious and changing behaviors. I mean in all honesty mystery is not sexy, it is not attractive. Ok, sure you can argue that mystery is somewhat sexy, but it's a trap. Ladies let me tell you, guys hide behind mystery so you don't expect them of lying. It's easier for us to say that we're just mysterious and not that we're lying.


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