Monday, November 1

The Truth

To me the worst thing in the world is a lie. I'm sure there are worst things than a lie, but to me the act of telling a lie is unforgivable. A lie is the opposite of a great story because it builds and builds into an unsatisfying end. It never pays off, or at least the payoff is unexpected. Someone once told me that you can always tell a lie because of how outrageous a story sounds. I'm here to tell you first hand that that's true. How you can tell a person is a liar is by their mysterious and changing behaviors. I mean in all honesty mystery is not sexy, it is not attractive. Ok, sure you can argue that mystery is somewhat sexy, but it's a trap. Ladies let me tell you, guys hide behind mystery so you don't expect them of lying. It's easier for us to say that we're just mysterious and not that we're lying.

Right now I'm putting a lot of emphasis on liars and not on lies. First off here I should note that I am a liar, I do not constantly lie but I have told lies in the past. Sometimes I lie about myself to others, but I do not lie so constantly that it is hard to discern if I am either telling the truth or a lie. But then since I've already admitted myself to be a liar how can I expect you to believe what I am telling you, I say just have faith and continue reading.

The differences in lies are vast and numerous. Many believe that there are different levels of lies. Some are small, dubbed white lies, and some are big, although I do not believe that there is a classification for there larger lies. I think that a lie is still a lie no matter what, honesty is key. Sure some of us lie because we do not want to expose a part of ourselves to ridicule or to criticism, but nonetheless we should all yearn for honesty. I am guilty of this sort of lie, I tried to hide myself and my writing from the world by creating a pseudonym, essentially I was not only lying to myself but I was also lying to the world, yet now I am yearning for the truth and no longer seeking acceptance or understanding from anyone about myself or about my writing.

Some of these liars have lying down to an art. It's sad how it almost become second nature to them. These are the people to watch out for, simply because they cannot discern the truth from fabrication. I know these people, I have met them, seen them face to face, and I know that they will lie to your face and do so believably. 

The worst liar who can ever come in to contact with is the liar that you love, because in your heart you know when you've been lied to but you choose not to accept the lies. Maybe we shouldn't except love lies, maybe we should just question everything. With love lies suspicions are not unfounded, it is usually because you can sense a lie and are seeking the truth.

To me a lie is only as bad as the person who lies. Sometime we as human beings are too trusting, it's just in our nature. We chose to believe everything we are told, and we shouldn't. I think from now on we should all make a conscious decision to take everything with a grain of salt. No I don't suggest that we believe everything we are told is a lie, but I think we should question if what we're told is a lie or the truth.

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