Friday, October 29

My Problem with the Rainbow

(Note: After constantly listening to my homosexual friends talk about their relationships I have finally decided to address this topic.)
Sylvia Plath said it best when describing her perceived neurotic behavior, "If neurotic is wanting two mutually exclusive things at one and the same time, then I'm neurotic as hell. I'll be flying back and forth between one mutually exclusive thing and another for the rest of my days." The same can be said about most male-male homosexual relationships when concerning monogamy. It has come to a common consensus that most homosexual men do not believe in monogamy, not only do they not believe in it, but they also have a twisted representation of its definition. Monogamy is best defined as the practice or state of having a sexual relationship with only one partner. A lot of males in the homosexual community have no real clue as to what it means to be in a monogamous relationship, sure a lot of them wish for something that resembles monogamy, but wishing and actually believing in a monogamous relationship are not the same thing.

One of the main problems in any relationship is sex, or lack thereof, but this problem is amplified tenfold in homosexual relationships, simply because there is a greater emphasis on "sex as love" than in normal relationships. Sex as love is a double-edged sword, in some cases it works perfectly and in others it has drastic, if not catastrophic consequences. The Marquis de Sade once said "'Sex' is as important as eating or drinking and we ought to allow the one appetite to be satisfied with as little restraint or false modesty as the other." But is there in fact a point that we take this too literal and therefore become obese with this insatiable sexual appetite? Was de Sade speaking about the opposite of monogamy, or did he mean monogamy? Whatever the case may be some homosexual males are not competent enough to embrace sexual relationships as a difference than a relationship founded in love, if that be the case.

This brings up the question; can someone, homosexual or otherwise, be in love with one person and have sexual intercourse/relations with countless others? Take a moment and seriously think about your answer to this question, I know many people honestly believe that it is possible. However, the startling truth is that it is not possible, simply because in every case someone gets hurt. However nominal a relationship is, however pronounced, the act of having sexual relations with someone who is not your partner is a violation of trust and love. In all relationships sexual proclivity must be a given, a lot of people talk about the fact that they can go without having sex with for long periods, myself included, but in actuality you cannot.
(To be continued...)

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