Friday, October 29

My Problem with the Rainbow

(Note: After constantly listening to my homosexual friends talk about their relationships I have finally decided to address this topic.)
Sylvia Plath said it best when describing her perceived neurotic behavior, "If neurotic is wanting two mutually exclusive things at one and the same time, then I'm neurotic as hell. I'll be flying back and forth between one mutually exclusive thing and another for the rest of my days." The same can be said about most male-male homosexual relationships when concerning monogamy. It has come to a common consensus that most homosexual men do not believe in monogamy, not only do they not believe in it, but they also have a twisted representation of its definition. Monogamy is best defined as the practice or state of having a sexual relationship with only one partner. A lot of males in the homosexual community have no real clue as to what it means to be in a monogamous relationship, sure a lot of them wish for something that resembles monogamy, but wishing and actually believing in a monogamous relationship are not the same thing.

Writer's Block

Today I need to think of a new topic to write on, I fee that, unless I'm moving around I have nothing new to write about. So I plan to transcend my limitations and buckle down and write a short short story. Should be posted sometime tonight.


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