Saturday, September 29

ABC - Fall TV

Ok, So I totally faded in and out of Private Practice because it seemed so far up it's own ass I couldn't keep my head on straight. Although the story was really good I couldn't help but feel that Addison, was out of her element, I mean a Surgeon at a Fertility Clinic that's just too weird. Story wise I love how they add the element that they might need Addison in case something like that were to happen again (a slim to none chance). Hopefully this show will redeem itself in the coming weeks. * Also where is Merrin Dungey?

To say that I was disappointed would be an overshot. I wish Shonda Rhimes wouldn't have rushed the whole Dr. Burke/Dr. Yang conclusion so early in the season (I personally would have waited for a few episodes, making the first episodes about the new Interns, then following the next one with a Meredith/Derek reconciliation, then went into the aforementioned Burke/Yang dilemma). Another thing I thought we'd get over is the Gizzy situation, come on lets put that to rest already, it was better as a drunken sexual desire, nothing more, a mistake, or at least make it that Izzy is just having depressing sex since she lost someone she loved. Good show, bad episode, everything was going at lightening speed.

So far the only show to not disappoint, I loved every minute, the FAT Amanda, the possibility that B. Meade could be her father, the thought of incest, of it was all so brilliant, a primetime soap was so delicious and left me wanting more. All this show can do is keep topping itself, brilliant.

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